Built in 2013 from Morris Park Alliance, Jets Play 60 is one of the main playgrounds in this large complex.
Portapotty close by
Completely fenced
ADA wheelchair accessible
Rubberized ground cover
Easiest way to navigate enter on gps
91 Central Avenue, Morris Plains NJ.
Park in the lot closest.

“The All-Access Playground, sponsored by the New York Jets, is OPEN for play. The play area offers swings, slides, music stand, and crawl tunnels. This extraordinary facility is accessible to children in wheelchairs and was specifically designed so that they can play alongside their friends and siblings.”
About complex:
Central Park of Morris County is a multi-faceted sports complex comprised of 420 acres. It is the Morris County Park Commission’s first fully accessible outdoor athletic facility. The complex includes two regulation-size in-line hockey rinks, a fully accessible Challenger League ball field, two sand volleyball courts, softball field, four multiuse artificial turf fields with sports lighting, a 5K cross-country course, 5-acre dog park, all-access play area, natural amphitheater, disc golf course, and 11.1 miles of paved and natural trails. Digital park/trail maps are available online.” From parks site of morris county
@njplaygrounds Built in 2013 from Morris Park Alliance, Jets Play 60 is one of the main playgrounds in this large complex. Portapotty close by Completely fenced ADA wheelchair accessible Rubberized ground cover Easiest way to navigate enter 91 Central Avenue, Morris Plains NJ. Park in the lot closest. "The All-Access Playground, sponsored by the New York Jets, is OPEN for play. The play area offers swings, slides, music stand, and crawl tunnels. This extraordinary facility is accessible to children in wheelchairs and was specifically designed so that they can play alongside their friends and siblings." About complex: Central Park of Morris County is a multi-faceted sports complex comprised of 420 acres. It is the Morris County Park Commission’s first fully accessible outdoor athletic facility. The complex includes two regulation-size in-line hockey rinks, a fully accessible Challenger League ball field, two sand volleyball courts, softball field, four multiuse artificial turf fields with sports lighting, a 5K cross-country course, 5-acre dog park, all-access play area, natural amphitheater, disc golf course, and 11.1 miles of paved and natural trails. Digital park/trail maps are available online." - Morris County Parks Site #njplayground #njfamily #njplaygrounds #morrisparkalliance #morriscountynj #thingstodoinnj #centralparknj #njblogger #morrisplainsnj ♬ Dream - MZF/衍鹿