Hey there it is 2013, and we finally ventured to a new playground and it was lovely.  This new park in Roselle was recently opened this summer and boasts a sprinkler area where the kids can cool off.  Thanks to our friends at MRC and Gametime they clued us in on this gem!

Name of Park or Playground: Bud Simmons Park (Pine Street Park Roselle NJ)                                                             

How many stars would you give this park on a scale of 1-5?  5

Town: Roselle (Union County)

Street Address:  Intersection of Pine Street and W.2nd Avenue, Roselle NJ

Link to Google Map: (Optional)  https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=pine+street+%26+West+2nd+Avenue,+Roselle+NJ&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.598104,135.263672&vpsrc=6&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=W+2nd+Ave+%26+Pine+St,+Roselle,+Union,+New+Jersey+07203&ll=40.658058,-74.269166&spn=0.001748,0.004128&z=19&iwloc=A

Description: (subjective opinion plus facts like shady, sunny, ground cover, cleanliness, age of equip, etc.)

Roselle’s Pine Street Park is completely fenced and has playgrounds for the age 2-5 crowd as well as the bigger kids, mini spray park (also fenced), and a beautiful new basketball court. Facilities include picnic tables and benches, a gazebo and restrooms. Parking is on the perimeter of the park.

simmons panorama

Tell us about the playground equipment:

Name of Manufacturer: (Optional) – Game Time


Recommended Ages:

playground for 2-5y and

large playground for 5-12 year olds

Climbing:  various equipment

Slides: Many slides

Other:  Spinners, mini spray area, climbing equipment, log to tunnel through for toddler.  See pictures below!

What kind of amenities can you find at this location?

Parking:  Parking is on perimeter of park.

Benches: Benches are available throughout the park.

Picnicking: There are picnic tables and a gazebo

Drinking Fountain:  N/A

Bathrooms: Restrooms close to entrance of park

Basketball: Full court with five nets, not sure of lighting..

Other Cool Stuff:  There is a mini spray area

Check out more spraygrounds here!