Great Girl Galas in the Garden State

Picking a Proper Place to Party My artsy, bookworm, tom-boy, princess, diva (I kid you not, she’s all these things!) turns 9 this Spring and for the first time in years has decided she’d like to venture out with friends for her birthday. Typically, she opts for a...

Your best snow creations- Feb 13 2014 Storm Edition

got something cool you made during this crazy weather in NJ?  share it with us below… We’ll get you started with our friends in Springfield NJ.. If we get at least 10 entries, we’ll give away a $10 iTunes gift card to a random entry!! Just fill out...

Fabulous Fun in NJ’s Winter Season

In late January, we asked our close to 4000 Facebook fans to tell us their favorite places to visit and things to do during Presidents Day Weekend and we got an overwhelming response full of local hot spots, fun and inexpensive indoor ideas and fabulous places not too far away.

Below is a wrap up of all the great suggestions plus some ideas of our own.

See what’s hot when the weather’s not!